Stop the Madness & Improve Communication
Couples often voice concerns about the never-ending cycle of resentment, arguments, finger-pointing, and emotional withdrawal. You both want desperately for the other to hear you and to understand.
But instead, your discussions devolve into shouting matches that accomplish nothing. Exhausted, you each eventually retreat to your corners, filled with bitterness and despair.
Whether your fights are about money, intimacy, the children, or any other subject, marriage counseling provides the skills you both need to overcome this familiar and frustrating challenge.
Reignite the Romance
Your life is busy. With kids, full-time work, serving in local organizations, extracurricular activities, personal hobbies, and still trying to get dinner made at a reasonable hour, it's no wonder you're stretched thin and exhausted.
This is a perfect recipe for Roommate Syndrome. The passion dies, emotional connection deteriorates, deep conversations become a thing of the past, and sex...well, it's been a few months.
Stop living like roommates. We can help you learn how to prioritize your relationship in the midst of your busy lives to reach new levels of
depth and intimacy.

Navigate the Impossible
Infidelity and divorce are two of the most difficult things a couple can go through.
Infidelity leads to intense emotions, wondering if trust can ever be restored, desires to repair if possible, and can have devastating effects on your emotional and physical connection with your partner.
Divorce brings up grieving for the lost relationship, loss of identity as a husband or wife, difficulties with your kids and finances, and huge questions about the future.
Restoring your relationship after infidelity is possible.
Learning how to coparent after divorce is vital for your kids.
We can help you navigate these seemingly impossible situations in order to make
the best of them.

Our Approach
Do couples really get better, faster with us? They do! Here's why:
We use research-based techniques and proven interventions for couples
We work with the part of you that doesn't want to apply the skills and tools you learn in therapy
Accelerated Couples Therapy includes longer, more intensive sessions which has shown to help couples achieve results in shorter times